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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Extra Extra, Read All About It!

   Hello, ciao, and bienvenido!  First off, as a newbie to the blogging world I guess that I should probably introduce myself.  A grad student studying Neuroscience in Miami, I spend my days (and frequently many late nights and weekends) trying to find a cure for spinal cord injury.  In my free time I like to paint, kayak, travel and pretty much find any opportunity to take advantage of the gorgeous city that I live in!
        After spending years in high school AP literature classes and taking creative writing courses in college, I now work in a field where I'm taught to revert back to the third grade style of "My hypothesis is."  As perfectly imperfect as my writing was before I started this regression, I kind of miss being able to use similes and flowery intros.  I spend hours and days reading long scientific articles rather than what most people would call "fun and interesting" novels and magazines.  That however doesn't mean I don't still enjoy the most mindless books, and well-scripted dialogue on cheesy television shows, that writers can come up with!
          From as early as I could write, I remember keeping a diary.  Nothing fancy or special, at first just a patent blue "my diary" in which I would reveal my thoughts and latest scandalous adventures (as only an elementary school student going on trips to the zoo and girl scout camp-outs in the woods can manage).  As I got older I felt the need for increased security and purchased a pink, rose-covered journal  where I felt it acceptable to tell my every daily drama, write poems and sometimes songs.  To this, I also added the increased security measure of a padlock leftover from my gym class locker.  In theory a great idea, and it preempted the fear of my younger sister trying to sneak a peak, but then proved to be a hazard to myself as well (when I would go long bouts without writing and discover that I no longer remembered the combination).
    Enter the present, and with the growing flux of internet media rapidly dominating the way we live and interact, I've decided to make my move to the public domain!  I tend to eat out quite a bit, so I thought I'd share some of my better experiences with you!  Hope to provide you with some entertainment, suggestions, and potentially, some restaurants you just have to check out for yourself . 

Nice to meet you and looking forward to sharing more,

P.S. If you haven't discovered this already, I do have a bit of an affinity for commas and exclamation points (it's only fair to warn you early on)